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Latest technology in Knee Replacement Surgery in India

Knee replacement techniques used in India have reached a different benchmark in today’s time. There are a lot of techniques which are added today which has replaced the traditional methods which were more painful and used to take much time for recovery. The new methods are used by the doctors in India which have reduced the discomfort and recovery time of the surgery.
The loss of time and the need of CT scan have also been eliminated from the knee replacement surgery. The recovery time has reduced to one to two months now due to the updated technologies that are used these days. Here are some of the types of knee replacement surgery in India:
PSI which stands for Patient Specific Instrument is the instruments which are used depending on the patient. The high alignment and sizing is done with the help of computer-generated images help in the best flexibility and hassle-free surgery.
BCS Knee replacement is the technology which is used to distinctly design the knee which is to be replaced. It helps in increasing the flexibility and natural movement of the knee. The best material is used in the technology for the increased durability. It is said that the material which is made up of zirconium and oxinium which has helped in increasing the durability to 30 years.
Some of the latest technologies used in knee replacement in India are:
  • Minimal Invasive Knee Surgery: In this knee replacement surgery, a small scar is made during the surgery and the blood loss is also reduced a lot. An incision of only four to five inches is made and there is lesser pain, faster recovery and many other benefits that this technique holds like less surgical trauma, lesser medication, post-operative pain is lesser and shorter hospital stay.
  • High Flex Knee replacement: This is one of the best techniques used for knee replacement in India as this provides a bending up to 155 degree and kneeling, squatting and crossing legs are permitted after the surgery due to the best use of technology in the surgery.
  • Attune Rotating Platform Knee replacement: This is a knee replacement surgery in which the patient feels that his knee is normal knee when it comes to mobility, stability and functioning of the knees. The minimally invasive subvastus technique with attune rotating platform knee replacement is done in this surgery. A personalized type of knee is made for the patient for the best results and after effects of the surgery.
  • Gender Specific Knee replacement: There are different types of knee replacement techniques which are specifically used for the different anatomy of the human body. The male and female knees are different and the requirements are different which is taken care in this surgical technique.
One of the best joint specialists in India is Dr Neelabh who provides latest knee replacement surgery at affordable cost in India. You can check the website of Dr Neelabh which is and talk to a specialist for the best knee replacement surgery in India.


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