What Is the price of Hip Replacement Surgery in India?


The Price of Single Hip Replacement Surgery In India is approximately USD 3000-4000. 

The Expense of Bilateral Hip Replacement Surgery in India is roughly USD 5500-7200. 

The variation is due to the

o Choice of implant

o Choice of hospital

o Choice of city

Choice of augmentation 

Cost varies widely based on the choice of implants. The cost of implants varies based on the material used, the country of manufacture, etc..

Choice of hospital

The cost varies based on the sort of hospital you select. You Can save approximately 700 USD if you pick an Economy hospital within a Premium hospital.

Choice of town 

The price varies drastically according to the type of city you choose. You can save around 1000 USD if you select tier-2 towns like Kochi, Calicut, etc.. Additionally, the expense of healthcare is also higher in tier-1 cities.

Duration of treatment

Duration of treatment



Pre-surgery procedure

1 day

Post-surgery care

1-2 days

Stay outside hospital

2-3 weeks

The operation takes 1-3 hours. The Majority of the Patients have the ability to walk the exact same day of surgery. However, it requires proper and rest exercises to regain the entire movement of the joint. Most patients have the ability to return to normal life within 3-6 weeks following operation with appropriate physiotherapy and rest.

Cost comparison with other countries

We compare the prices of operation in Prominent medical travel destinations on earth.


Cost (USD)








South Korea












Costa Rica



Aside from the other motives, the Government regulations on implant costs make it available at a more affordable rate which reduces the total cost of the Operation. Along with the living expenses in India are incredibly cheap in comparison to these destinations.

What's Hip Replacement Surgery?

Hip Replacement Surgery or Hip Arthroplasty is the surgical procedure where a damaged debilitating hip-joint (because of arthritis or other harm ), is eliminated and replaced with an implant. The implant could be made from metal, ceramic and plastic components. The Operation takes 1-2 hours usually and takes much longer in more complex cases. It's mostly done for patients of the age group 60-80.

The hip joint is formed when the head of the femur (thigh bone) articulates with the acetabulum cavity of the pelvis. In elderly patients, because of arthritis or damage brought on by falling, the joint degenerates or gets damaged. The harm is accompanied by severe pain that makes day to day activities hopeless. The above diagram shows a damaged hip joint.

The surgeon makes an incision On the front (anterior) or side (posterior) to opening up through the muscles and cells. He eliminates the degenerated portions of the joint entirely or partly based on the condition using several tools. He would cut off the head of the femur to requirements. He would scrape off the cartilage of the socket at the acetabulum. The removed parts are replaced with implants. Sometimes, the entire acetabulum is replaced by a metal socket. After the implants are placed intact, the incision is closed and sutured.

Kinds of Hip Replacement Surgery

1. Total Hip Replacement Surgery

 within this form, both the femoral head and the cartilage surface acetabulum cup are substituted. The femoral head is replaced by a metal stem that is inserted into the hollow bone cavity. An extra charge is attached at the end of the stem. The cartilage surface of the acetabulum is eliminated and replaced by a metal socket.

2. Minimal Invasive Surgery

 it's almost like total hip replacement, but a smaller incision is made on the skin and the underlying muscles. The incision makes it much easier for recovery.

Who needs a Hip Replacement Surgery?

o Mainly Elderly Patients, aged between 60 and 80, having arthritis requires the surgery. Their joints disintegrate and get ruined, which contributes to severe pain. If the problem affects day to day tasks like walking, sitting, and so on, then Operation is advised.

o Young patients who Have autumn damage to the hip joint may require a hip replacement when the damage is so severe.

Which implants should I use?

The choice of implants largely depends upon the requirements and the budget of the patients. Metal on plastic is your longest-used mix with a metal ball and polyethene socket. The metal ball used is mainly Made from titanium, stainless steel, cobalt-chromium alloys, etc

Benefits of hip replacement surgery

·         Better quality of life post-surgery.

·         The Operation also helps in Regaining the lost motion of the joint.

·         Pain relief Shortly after the surgery.

Guidelines for operation

1. Pre-surgery

Get admitted a day Before the Surgery so that they can perform the necessary procedures like

·         Physical examination

·         Radiographic examination

·         Laboratory tests

Overnight fasting is required. There could be some drugs on the night before surgery.

 Regional anaesthesia is provided during the Operation, and hence you'll be awake during the procedure.

2. Post-surgery

After the Operation, you will be moved to a recovery area for some hours while your anaesthesia wears off. The medical staff will monitor your blood pressure, heartbeat, endurance, pain or comfort level, and your need for drugs. You'll have to remain in the hospital for 2-3 days maximum. The majority of the patients can walk on the same day of the Operation. After that, you can return to your hotel where you have appropriate rest and exercise.

The physiotherapist will urge strengthening and freedom exercises. It would help if you used a walking aid, such as a walker, a cane or crutches initially. As treatment progresses, you will usually increase the weight you put on your leg until you are ready to walk without help.

Things you Want to look into after operation

·         Always have a person Offered in the event of emergencies.

·         Put everyday items at waist level, which means that you can avoid having to bend down or reach up.

·         Consider having some Modifications to your house, like using a raised toilet seat if you have an unusually low one.

Best Hospitals in India for Hip Replacement Surgery

Indian is known for its high rate of success in orthopedic surgeries. 90-95percent of those replaced hips are entirely operational even after 15years and 80-85% after 20years.

Top 10 Hospitals in India for Hip Replacement

1. Medanta -- The Medicity, Gurgaon.

2. BLK Super Speciality Hospital, New Delhi.

3. Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi.

4. Fortis Hospital, Mumbai.

5. Jaslok Hospital. Mumbai.

6. BGS Gleneagles Hospital, Bangalore.

7. Apollo Hospital, Chennai.

8. Global Hospital, Chennai.

9. Care Hospitals, Hyderabad.

10. Star Hospitals, Hyderabad.

Top 10 Doctors in India for Hip Replacement

1. Dr. Ashok Rajagopal

2. Dr. Shekar Agarwal

3. Dr. IPS Oberoi

4. Dr. Rajesh Mahajan

5. Dr. Pradeep Sharma

6. Dr. Vikram I Shah

7. Dr. Gyan Sagar Tucker

8. Dr. U.K Sadhoo

9. Dr. B.K Singh

10. Dr. Neelabh


What are then DO's and DONT's after hip replacement surgery?

You ought to do proper exercise following the Operation without straining yourself as it's essential for a speedy recovery. Individuals that aren't busy are regarded to have a longer recovery period.

Speaking about the dont's.

o If the incision is Posterior (on the side), then you can not cross your legs, twist your limbs or bend over more than 90 from your waist for 6-8 weeks.

o If the incision Is anterior (on the front) then you can have better physical moves. Other short term limitations include driving, sleeping on your incision, etc..

o Long term restrictions Are to avoid using a ladder, falling or jumping on knees, and other actions your doctor tells you.


How long does it take to recover from the surgery?

The physiotherapy mostly starts on the day of surgery. You should probably use a walker initially followed by crutches. Most patients need pain killers 2-3 weeks post-surgery. After 4-6 weeks the pain goes away and you can return normal day to day activities like walking, playing golf, etc.. Strenuous activities should be avoided during this time period and a complete recovery is expected largely by 6 weeks. Some patients take up to 1 year depending on the condition.

Is Hip replacement Surgery worthwhile?

It's totally worth it, that is what the Patients who experience it'd stated to have experienced pain relief and improved quality of life. You Can do everything like a normal man because of the Regain in the movement of the joint.



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